Hermanos, a film project directed by Achie López and starred by Raymond Pozo and Miguel Céspedes, is on top of most seen movies in Puerto Rico’s island during its premiere week. This film is produced by Panamericana and distributed by Spanglish Movies for all international markets.
The movie was presented on puertorican board next to other 26 movies, wich only 4 were premieres. The movie Hermanos achieved the second preference position, only overcomed by Megalodon. The director, Archie López, spoke about this premiere: “We’re so thankful for this big recievement on Puerto Rico. Our brothers from other land have filled the movie theaters on premiere week and movie theaters had to open new projection hours”.
As an thankful and appreciation display, this film was selected as a closing film of Dominican Film Festival in New York, where in short time, as other US places, will be premiered.